What is Freemasonry?
Moral Truth & Virtue
Freemasons believe that society’s improvement is achieved through individual sovereignty and betterment. That is, an individual must have the freedom to choose his own path through life but is therefore responsible for improving himself and, thus, through his own self-betterment, enhancing the whole of society. In this sense, Freemasonry does not concentrate on political or societal issues; the emphasis is on the individual. To make men the best that they can be is the goal of Freemasonry.

Freemasonry and Religion
Freemasonry is not a religion; it is an organisation communicating universal truths that aid and guide men throughout their life. Saying this, all members must believe in a supreme being. Freemasonry is a worldwide organisation which has men of many faiths under its’ banner. We require of our members a simple belief in a supreme being. Hindus, Christians, Muslims Buddhists find our beliefs compatible with their own faiths. You do not have to be a practicing member of an established religion providing you can acknowledge the existence of a creative force which most of us in Australia would call God.